Secret Of the Greatest tasting Honey: Sourwood Trees

greatest tasting honey Sourwood honey

What Makes the Greatest Tasting Honey?: Sourwood Trees

Sourwood Trees are the secret to the greatest tasting honey you will ever try.   Why Sourwood Trees? The old timers knew this secret all too well and would plant Sourwood Trees near all of their bee hives.  The result would be the best tasting honey known. It’s the difference between a good violin and a Stradivarius violin. There’s just no comparison to the quality, taste, and color of raw Sourwood Honey. If you ever have the rare opportunity to try some sourwood honey then you’ll know why this is the case.  It is the pride of the Appalachian mountains.

greatest tasting honey sour wood honey

Benefits of Sourwood Honey:

Sourwood Honey is a natural source of energy that also offers a unique combination of nutritional benefits. In addition to being a concentrated energy source, honey contains a wide array of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. Sourwood Honey is an instant energy-building food and is virtually free of bacteria and rarely spoils.

greatest tasting honey Sourwood honey

Every spoonful of sourwood honey has potent antiseptic and antibacterial qualities. Including the following:

  • Sourwood Honey helps reduce chest disorders and coughs. It soothes sore throats.
  • It improves chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinus problems and allergies.
  • Sourwood Honey hastens the healing of wounds. Reduces inflammation.
  • Sourwood Honey helps sooth the skin and clears many skin disorders. Its amino acids and vitamin C speeds the growth of healthy tissue.
  • Sourwood Honey facilitates the digestion and assimilation of other foods.

If you’ve never had raw Sourwood Honey, then find out what you are missing.  There is no comparison to the taste, quality, and nutritional value of raw sourwood honey.  You won’t be sorry you tried it.

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