Home Remedy Cure for Angular Cheilitis

Home Remedy Cure for Angular Cheilitis

Home Remedy Cure for Angular Cheilitis

By Neal Miller

If you’ve struggled like I have with an on again/off again case of Angular Cheilitis, or in layman’s terms painful cracks that form on the corners of your mouth casued by a fungi or bacterial infection, then you know how maddening it can be to rid yourself this condition. I’ve personally struggled with Angular Cheilitis for over 20 years now and I’ve used just about all recomended medications to treat it–with not much luck. (Some even made it worse.)

Home Remedy Cure for Angular Cheilitis 1

It’s been a source of both pain and embarrassment for me throughout my life as each of my “outbreaks” would sometimes be years apart, but when active would last for more than 6 to 8 months! I got so frustrated with the lack of effective prescription medication, that I started to do my own reserch and tried to find a home remedy that would work. So I’m very proud to share with you that by shear accident, I’ve found a simple home rememdy that cured my last Angular Cheilitis outbreak within 6 days! Hopefully, I can now end you’re suffering for good as well. So what is this miracle cure for Angular Cheilitis? You’re never gonna believe me but it’s simply Germ-X hand sanitizer!

I know, I couldn’t believe it either. I “discovered” this when I happened to touch the corners of my mouth during my last outbreak while having hand sanitzer on my hands. Immediantly upon contact, I noticed the stinging sensation like that of alcohol or an antiseptic in action and my sores became noticably fainter by the end of the day. Encouraged, I placed a little dab of Germ-X on my finger tip and rubbed it directly onto my sores. Again instantly, I knew it was working as it brought almost immediate relief. By the third day of doing this my sores had closed, the reddness was gone, and within 6 days my Angular Cheilitis was totally gone for good!

I’m no doctor, but the science of using hand sanitizer makes sense when knowing that Angular Cheilitis is a fungi or bacterial infection. So using a product that kills 99% of all bacteria or fungi on contact, seems like a match to me. I know it cured mine! So please if you’re a sufferer of Angular Cheilitis go to the store and buy some Germ-X hand sanitizer. Make sure it says “Kills 99% of all germs and bacteria” on the label. I promise you it will be the best home remedy you’ve ever tried on your Angular Cheilitis.

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