Obama’s National Portrait Sucks

Obama national gallery po

What Makes Art Good Or Bad?

By William S.

When the portrait of the Obama was unveiled Monday February 12th at the National Portrait gallery, immediately upon hitting social media there was almost a universal disdain for the painting of former President Barack Obama done by Kehinde Wiley as well as another done of former First Lady, Michelle Obama. Many commented on social media that both looked like they were done by 7th graders. So what makes “art” Good or Bad? Is it still in the eye of the beholder despite every eye universally hating it? Myself, I think both paintings are absolutely hideous and don’t deserve to go along side those notable portraits of Washington, Lincoln, or Kennedy that leave me really in awe and inspired when I see them. (…AND I PROUDLY VOTED FOR OBAMA TWICE!!)

It’s becoming more and more common place that we award a high level or mass public appeal to those with swagger instead of talent. (Like how in the Hell does Nicki Minaj have 75 million dollars yet thousands of great talents in Nashville never make a dime?..Same for Justin Beiber..Beeber..oh who cares) I’m sure no one’s going to really say what everyone else is thinking in regards to these paintings, but many will probably think that these “artists” were only given this commission because they were of color. This again is why I’m afraid there will be such a backlash over them (just ask the town with the Scary Lucy statue). I would have loved to see Obama in the light of inspiration that he gave to millions of people both white and black. Such as the great portrait of the JFK and the first lady below.

kennedy potraitmrs kennedy portrait

Why would the artist paint a portrait which will have such a lasting legacy in the same style as he did P’Diddy’s? IMO, to paint a portrait of a President it should be done in reverence and not done to make famous ones own style as an artist. A president is more important than knowing the name of the artist who paints him. Famed painter Norman Rockwell changed his style in the wake of the Kennedy assassination when he painted this portrait of our president.

kennedy rockwell

If the painting that was unveiled at the Nation Portrait Gallery in Washington DC had been painted in the style of the Famous HOPE poster I would have been more inspired to like it, but what does the leafs or the wall of hedge bushes behind Obama mean? Looks like he’s taking a shit? I just don’t get it. Why have him sitting down? Why not standing up inspiring all people, especially African Americans to do what he’s done?

I’m embarrassed that the Obamas had to pretend to like either one of those paintings. Mediocrity will always be seen but never admired.  So sorry Mr. President, you’re worth a better portrait.

Is it too much to ask for real talent to be given jobs based on merit? Is it too much to ask not to have to turn on the TV and see Kim Kardashian get lost in her own house? Is it too much to ask to actually bring back some real talent in the world like the Beatles, Michael Jackson, or even Elvis. Instead of Yesterday or Imagine we have to be forced to listen to American Idol or watch Dancing with the Stars. Thanks Hollywood and “artist” everywhere.  Real great work! I like my version of this painting better. Don’t You?


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