Why Hollywood Is On the Wrong Side Of Trump

hollywood vs trump

Why Hollywood Is On The Wrong Side Of Trump.

By Chris Wells

I’ve recently read where certain celebrities like Cher, Miley Cyrus, and even John Stewart all had stated they would move to Canada if Trump won the presidency. (Though it’s very curious that none stated they would move to Mexico, which isn’t that a racist comment on it’s own merit?) Well, Trump won. The surprising thing about this was Hollywood stars, the media, and especially most of the millennials were all shocked by this outcome? After all they’re with her, right? Surely the country listens to every word they say? Well here’s why Hollywood was and still is on the wrong side of Trump.

They’re not hurting: No way celebrities can ever relate to what a typical American family goes through. Making 20 million a film is not hurting. Try living off $2100 net a month like the average American single parent does, then you’ll have a little different perspective on who voted for Trump and who did not. Remember Gwyneth Paltrow’s failed “attempt” to live on a typical food stamp income for one month and she failed miserably after only four days in buying black licorice of all things. In short, Hollywood has no idea how the rest of us survive check to check/month to month. People of my income bracket don’t need to be lectured by a person making 20 million a year just because genetics has blessed them with a beautiful face, body, talent, or a wonderful voice—or all of the above. If I looked like George Clonney, or sang like Miley Cyrus–Adele, believe me I’d be in Hollywood too, but since I don’t by a long shot, then their “opinions” of how the world should run doesn’t mean a thing to me since we have different perspectives.

Hollywood thinks if you’re educated then you’re on their side. Hollywood wishes for the whole world to just sit around the camp fire, hold hands and sing “Kumbayah” with no animosity, no judgment, no racism, sexism, intolerance…etc..etc..etc. Yes this all sounds wonderful, but sad to say, the real world doesn’t work like this—and we’re all guilty! Spend any amount of time in a common work place environment and pretty soon you’ll find someone you can’t stand to work around, or someone who for some reason can’t stand to work around you. That’s why the hippie idea died out soon after it began. The reality of sharing everything, loving everyone, and being happy with every aspect of your life is not in our true nature and perhaps it shouldn’t be. Greed could very well be a good thing to channel my inner Gordon Grekko. After all, we don’t see this in nature or in evolution: the lions in the jungle don’t strive to attain peace and harmony with each other, nor do they hand out participation medals for just being a lion. Real life never rewards zero effort and the communistic idea of taking wealth from someone who earned it and giving it to someone who didn’t has failed everywhere it’s ever been tried. But I’m sure most celebrities wouldn’t know this, since most never sought higher education. George Clooney does not have a college degree, nor does Cher who according to her wiki page dropped out of high school at 16. Miley Cyrus has never even been to an official school, so why on earth would we listen to what they have to say over a single parent who’s raising 2.5 kids and attending night classes to pursue her masters degree? Now that’s the person we all need to look up to and listen to.

Their vote is just One: What Hollywood doesn’t understand is that their vote just counts as one. Therefore their opinion is no different than mine or yours. George Clooney’s vote for Hillary was canceled by my vote for Trump. My vote for Trump was canceled by another vote for Hillary and so on and so forth. Using your influence to sway an election to your opinion, is a very arrogant position to force upon others and should not be listened to. Sure each of us can have an opinion and we can all have a conviction or passion about a issue, but a personal opinion is all it is–keep it to yourself! Vote according to your own convictions but stop telling me how to vote when you know nothing about my situation. Stop telling me your outraged as a woman by Trump when you’re making a living twerking on stage half naked simulating every sexual act you can think of and grabbing your own P@&&Y night after night. (I’m talking to you Miley and Madonna) Stop telling me how the election will go before even the votes are cast. Opinions are not news! That in a nutshell is why we the people see you as a hypocrite and on the wrong side of Trump and the people who voted for him. But all is not lost for you Hollywood, maybe you can fix Canada once y’all move up there.

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