Hillary: Half My Cabinet Would Be Women-Why That’s the Problem

50 percent woman cabinet

“Half My Cabinet Would Be Women”–Hillary

By Ward Cordell

Hillary recently stated in the press that if elected half of her cabinet would be women. Here’s why I disagree totally with Hillary’s mindset. So in other words Hillary is telling us that she will only pick the Secretary of Defense based solely on whether or not this person has a vagina? (Sorry Caitlyn…guess you don’t make the cut) This is utterly ridiculous! What happened to picking those who are the most qualified—whether male or female; black or white? If all cabinet members are females then great; if they are the best and most qualified this nation has willing to serve. If they are all men; then great if they are the best and most qualified this nation has willing to serve. If they are all black females or green men for that matter; then again great if these are the best and most qualified this nation has willing to serve. No other factors should ever be considered: not race, religion, sexual orientation, age, or gender—period! I mean I expect more from you Liberals! Isn’t this what you’ve been fighting for? To pick someone for any job based solely on whether you have a penis or a vagina is absolutely idiotic and I just might add —this is discriminatory and against the law! (Not that Hillary cares about laws).

If we are to ever end racial discrimination or gender inequality for that matter for good, then we will surely one day have to embrace the absolute truth of judging people based only on the content of their character. Have females been discriminated against?–Of course they have. Am I concerned when a qualified women gets skipped over for a lesser qualified man—yes of course! The same way I am deeply concerned when a qualified man is not given a position or even a consideration for a lesser qualified woman which is exactly what Hillary just promised to do. It’s illegal and should not be tolerated from anyone or done to anyone—especially not from a presidential candidate. And we wonder why our country is in the shape it’s in.

Too bad for me, I’ve always aspired to become Secretary of the Treasury one day; but I have a penis so I guess I’m not qualified.

Further Reading:


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