The One Trait All U.S. Presidents Share

Presidential Humor

The One Trait All U.S. Presidents Share

By Lewis Beckham

In this election year, it’s so easy to become disillusioned with politics as usual- the mis-truths, outright lies, mean spirited attacks between the candidates—But when you consider the attributes of the great men who have actually been elected to serve this great country, there seems to be one common trait all U.S. Presidents have shared—a great sense of humor. Quite simply those who don’t have it—don’t win.

Case in point, perhaps our nation’s greatest president, Abraham Lincoln was described by his contemporaries as having no equal as a humorist. Lincoln’s stories contrasted the dark days of the Civil War and as recalled by Ohio journalist David R. Locke when describing Lincoln: “His flow of humor was a sparkling spring gushing out of a rock – the flashing water had a somber background which made it all the brighter. Whenever merriment came over that wonderful countenance it was like a gleam of sunshine upon a cloud – it illuminated, but did not dissipate.”

Likewise, our 35th President, John F. Kennedy was described as having a particular sharp sense of humor. Often he held the press enraptured by his responses. The great historian Gore Vidal, who was a close personal friend of the President, often stated: “JFK was one charming S.O.B.”

Luckily for us modern television has recorded and captured his quick humor. Watch as he charms the press.


Presidents have often used dinners as a chance to show off their lighter side. Watch Franklin Roosevelt, this countries longest serving president use his great sense of  humor when describing the Republican’s latest attacks:

As you consider your choices for this coming election season, note which candidate you seem to gravitate toward-I’ll be willing to bet, he/she will be the one with the greatest sense of humor.

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